BasicTools.FE.Integrators.PythonIntegration module
- class BasicTools.FE.Integrators.PythonIntegration.MonoElementsIntegral[source]
Class to assembly a formulation (weak form) into a matrix or a vector
unkownDofsOffset : offset for the unkowns dofs
__ufs__ : unkown fields
testDofsOffset : offset for the test dofs
__tfs__ : unkown dofs
totalTestDofs : Total number fo test dofs (computed Automatically)
totalUnkownDofs : Total number fo unknown dofs (computed Automatically)
geoSpace : Geometry approximation space (computed Automatically)
__efs__ : Extra Fields
__cfs__ : (dic(str:float) ) Constants
integrationRule : integration rule for the integration
onlyEvaluation : To force the integrator to not multiply by the detJac
numberOfVIJ = 0
F : rhs vector
- vK, iK, jKVectors containing the values and indices for the entries
of the operator
totalvijcpt : Number of non zero entries in the self.vK iK ant jK vector
maxNumberOfTerms : maximal number of terms in a monom (computed Automatically)
hasnormal : (computed Automatically)
- ActivateElementType(domain)[source]
Function to prepared the integration for a type of element domain : (ElementsContainer)
- ComputeNumberOfVIJ(mesh, elementFilter)[source]
Compute and return the number triplets to be calculated during integration
- GetTotalTestDofs()[source]
Return the number of dofs of the test space (number of rows of the K matrix)
- GetTotalUnkownDofs()[source]
Return the number of dofs of the Unkown space (number of cols of the K matrix)
- Integrate(wform, idstotreat)[source]
Main function to execute the integration wform: (PyWeakForm) Python Or C++ version of the weak form to be integrated idstotreat: list like (int) ids of the element to treat
- IsFrozen()
- PrepareFastIntegration(mesh, wform, vK, iK, jK, cpt, F)[source]
- Function to prepare the integration procedure, this function checks:
if the weak form needs the normal at each integration point
prepare the fields to be used
- fills each term in the weak formulation with the data about the
fields for fast acces
mesh : a mesh wform: the weak form to be integrated vK,iK,jK = the vectors to store the calculated values for the K op cpt
- SetConstants(cfs)[source]
Set The constants used in the weak formulation
cfs : dic(str:float) constants dictionary
- SetExtraFields(efs)[source]
Set the extra fields used in the weak formulation
efs : list(FEField or IPField) list of fields
- SetOnlyEvaluation(onlyEvaluation=True)[source]
- To activate the Only Evaluation functionality
For the evaluation we only add the constribution without doing the integration (multiplication by the detjac ) the user is responsible of dividing by the mass matrix to get the correct values . Ffr example the user can use a discontinues field to generate element surface stress
- SetPoints(nodes)[source]
## from
multiply (arr, value)
Takes a numpy arry as input, and multiplies each elemetn by value, in place
param: array – a 2-d numpy array of np.float64
- SetTestFields(tfs=None)[source]
Set the fields used for the test space
tfs : list(FEField) list of fields if tfs is none then the unkown fields are used (Galerkin projection)
- SetUnkownFields(ufs)[source]
Set the fields used for the unkown space
ufs : list(FEField) list of fields
- UnFrozen()
- onlyEvaluation
For the evaluation we only add the contribution without doing the integration the user is responsible of dividing by the mass matrix to get the correct values also the user can use a discontinues field to generate element surface stress (for example)